Scan mode = 0 Scan Status = 51 Frame Flag = -1 Picture Flag = -1 Picture Flag Set Line Number = 266 Picture Flag Reset Line Number = 2556 Scan Count = 268 West Horizon point = -1 East Horizon point = -1 SYNC Lock = 0 Bit Error Count = 0 Year = 1993 Month = 6 Day = 12 Hour = 18 Minute = 32 Second = 52 Second/100 = 70 Calibration Table ID = 6374 MANAM Revision No = 462 Data Source = -1 Earth Radius(m): Equatorial Radius of Earth = 6377397 Satellite Elevation(m) = 35792045 Stepping Angle For IR Sensor (nrad) = 140000 Sampling Angle For IR Sensor (nrad) = 140000 Latitude of Sub-satellite point(mDEG) = 230 Longitude of Sub-satellite point(mDEG) = 140013 Line Number of SSP = 1411 Pixel Number of SSP = 1161 Ratio of Circumference = 3.141592 Sensor Deference for Line Number (X) = 0.000000 Sensor Deference for Pixel Number(Y) = 0.000000 Time of First Attitude Prediction Data(MJD) = 49150.767361 Time of Last Attitude Prediction Data(MJD) = 49150.798611 Interval Time of Attitude Prediction(MJD) = 0.003472 Number of Attitude Prediction Data = 10 Time of First Orbit Prediction Data(MJD) = 49150.770833 Time of Last Orbit Prediction Data(MJD) = 49150.795139 Interval Time of Orbit Prediction(MJD) = 0.003472 Number of Orbit Prediction Data = 8 Observation start time = 49150.771528 VIS Stepping angle along line = 0.000035 IR Stepping angle along line = 0.000140 VIS Channel Sampling Angle = 0.000035 IR Channel Sampling Angle = 0.000140 VIS Centre Line No = 5534.500000 IR Centre Line No = 1384.000000 VIS Centre Pixel No = 4582.500000 IR Centre Pixel No = 1146.000000 No of VIS sensors = 4 No of IR sensors = 1 VIS total Line Number = 11024 IR total Line Number = 2756 VIS total Pixel Number = 9164 IR total Pixel Number = 2291 Misalignment angle along X axis = -0.000788 Misalignment angle along Y axis = -0.001007 Misalignment angle along Z axis = 0.002644 Misalignment Matrix element 11 = 0.999996 Misalignment Matrix element 21 = -0.002644 Misalignment Matrix element 31 = -0.001007 Misalignment Matrix element 12 = 0.002644 Misalignment Matrix element 22 = 0.999996 Misalignment Matrix element 32 = 0.000788 Misalignment Matrix element 13 = 0.001005 Misalignment Matrix element 23 = -0.000791 Misalignment Matrix element 33 = 0.999999 Ratio of circumference/180 = 0.017453 180/Ratio of circumference = 57.295776 Oblateness of Earth = 0.003343 Eccentricity of Earth = 0.081697 Angle Between VISSR and the view direction of Sun Sensor = -0.626722 Epoch Time of Orbital Parameters = 49151.000000 Semi Major Axis (KM) = 42165.733612 Eccentricity (Orbit) = 0.000173 Orbital Inclination = 0.038882 Longitude of Ascending Node (deg) = 248.954007 Argument of Perigee (deg) = 203.138394 Mean Anomaly (deg) = 308.679580 Sub satellite East Longitude (deg) = 1.400098 Sub satellite North Longitude (deg) = 0.002018 Epoch Time of Attitude Parameters = 49151.000000 Angle between Z-Axis and Satellite Spin Axis Projected = 3.140208 Change rate of Alpha (rad/sec) = -0.000000 Angle Between Satellite Spin Axis and yz-plane in inertial coordinate system 'delta' (rad) = -0.003749 Change rate of Delta (rad/sec) = 0.000000 Daily Mean of Satellite Spin Rate (rpm) = 99.910077 Prediction Time( UTC represented in MJD ) = 49150.767361 Anno Domino represented by BCD = 930612182500 Change rate of Alpha (rad/sec) = 3.140212 Angle Between Satellite Spin Axis and yz-plane in inertial coordinate system 'delta' (rad) = -0.003773 Dihedral Angle Between the Sun and the Earth measured from the north (rad) = 5.301350 Spin Rate:Spin speed of the Satellite (rpm) = 99.910077 Right Ascension on the Satellite Orbit Plane Coordinate System at the Attitude Epoch (rad) = 1.786696 Declination and otherwise same as above = -1.566246 X component of Satellite Position in the 1950.0 Mean Coordinate System = 31356295.643567 Y component of Satellite Position in the 1950.0 Mean Coordinate System = -28198134.018803 Z component of Satellite Position in the 1950.0 Mean Coordinate System = 26932.552447 X component of Satellite Position in the 1950.0 Mean Coordinate System = 2055.392385 Y component of Satellite Position in the 1950.0 Mean Coordinate System = 2286.130534 Z component of Satellite Position in the 1950.0 Mean Coordinate System = 0.736324 X component of Satellite Position in the Earth-fixed Coordinate System = -32310889.301360 Y component of Satellite Position in the Earth-fixed Coordinate System = 27098582.344777 Z component of Satellite Position in the Earth-fixed Coordinate System = 161342.653830 X component of Satellite Position in the Earth-fixed Coordinate System = 0.855955 Y component of Satellite Position in the Earth-fixed Coordinate System = 0.407294 Z component of Satellite Position in the Earth-fixed Coordinate System = 9.393081 Greenwich sidereal time in True of Date System = 178.581714 Sun Direction: Right Ascension from the Satellite to the sun in the 1950.0 Mean Coordinate System(deg) = 80.411581 Declination and otherwise same as above = 23.143075 Right Ascension from the Satellite to the Sun in the Earth fixed Coordinate System (deg) = 262.493365 Declination and otherwise same as above = 23.181336 Element11 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = 0.999943 Element21 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = 0.009783 Element31 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = 0.004252 Element12 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = -0.009783 Element22 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = 0.999952 Element32 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = -0.000037 Element13 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = -0.004253 Element23 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = -0.000005 Element33 of Nutation and Precession Matrix = 0.999991 Sub-satellite Point: North Latitude(deg) = 0.219434 Sub-satellite Point: East Latitude(deg) = 140.014023 Height of Satellite above Earth's surface(m) = 35792382.394904